“Pinkest is an experimental power-pop band known for delivering relentless theatrical live performances. The four-piece comprised of Ethan Smith (guitar and vocals), Gabe Patterson (drums), Jason Blackett (guitar), and Sarfaraz Syed (bass) originally met in elementary school… probably brought together by the spirit of Rock ‘n’ Roll or something mind altering like that. Lol I can’t believe they play so well together now… it’s honestly super weird if you haven’t seen the band Pinkest live yet. They’ve been at it for a minute.
Y’all are sleeping on Pinkest to be perfectly honest w/ you.
And that’s actually unforgivable af. “
Kaitlin Simotics, admin of @katebush.420
“They’re a long-time staple of Atlanta’s DIY scene and have stayed true to their sound every time the city has shifted. Since arriving in the mid 2010s, Pinkest has continued to move as a singular entity, unwilling to bend toward commercial appeal or passing fads, earning local respect for high-octane sets that blend glam, grunge, and psychedelic story-telling.”
Millan Verma, Editor of No Bells
Instagram: Pinkesttt