Mixed Tribe
Founded in Griffin, Georgia, in 2015, MIXED TRIBE is more than a band, it is a group of four diverse young men, who grew up together, went to school together, and share a passion for music, and a goal to create music with meaning to capture the voice, minds and hearts of our generation. We are a band of brothers, each with his own style of music blended together in complete harmony to meld Alternative Rock, Latin Music, Pop, and R&B into one symbiotic and distinct sound.
MIXED TRIBE by name reflects the diversity of talent and individualism, but by sound, we are a reminder that music is a universal, uniting force that people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and ethnicities can enjoy.
Unlike most bands or groups, we found each other. We learn from each other. We write and create our own music. We don’t care about following the latest trends, we care more about making music that speaks to the human condition and telling stories our audience can relate to in a meaningful, reflective way.
We stand for and represent unity, and celebrate diversity through real musicianship. It is not a political statement, it is just who we are. We are proud to reflect the next generation of Americans who innately understand and embrace that as we journey out into the world and live our lives, that the Tribes of those we journey with will not and should not all be the same.
Our hope is to bring people together, so they form and celebrate their own MIXED TRIBES, like we do ours. #JoinTheTribe